Work Party 9/17/02

Wow!!!! We had 19 people turn out today for the planned work party. Also, we had three who worked  with me during the week in preparation for the work-party day. Lastly, we had 5 kind ladies working in the Kitchen to prepare and serve a wonderful lunch for the work crew. Thanks to Mable for her wonderful luncheon dishes!

Well, you might ask, what was accomplished?

– Considerable pruning to trees and shrubs including much dead wood back in the outdoor Worship area, the pine trees in front of the Sanctuary and the birch tree along Rt. 202. Also, many other trees pruned back to provide more air at ground level.

– Many beds weeded throughout the property; especially, along Rt. 132.

– All dead & partially dead Yews removed from the berm on the East side of the North lots.

– Many trailer loads of mulch brought in to dress-up the berm and many of our beds (there is some more to do in this area, but we made spectacular progress).

– Many trailer loads of branches and clippings taken to Yorktown Recycling (again, more to do this next week, but great progress).

– A complete upgrade to the Memorial Garden with a colorful stone perimeter, removal of some overgrown pines and resetting of the flagstone walkways with mulch added to all open areas.

– Special recognition to Craig Hibben for his continuing care of our plantings throughout our property. Craig single-handedly refurb’ed the front bed under the large pine tree in front of the Sanctuary; likewise, he redid the beds by the office entrance and has refurb’ed several of the other beds on our property. We are indebted to you Craig for your continuing careful care of our beautiful grounds.

Thanks to everyone who answered our call for assistance. This is a wonderful Congregation which really cares about how our facilities look. Dick Seymour, Facilities Coordinator for the Operations Commission.
