Church School News April 2021

The children of FPCY continue to meet online every Sunday over Zoom (Pre-K through 4th graders at 9:15am, 5th – 9th graders at 11:15am). (Register your child(ren) PreK – Grade 9 for Sunday School).

We all look forward to the day we can safely gather again in person, but in the meantime, the kids and their teachers have made the best of the situation and explored different ways to stay connected virtually.

Our Pre-K through 4th graders follow the Shine curriculum. The teachers begin each class with a chance for the kids to socialize with their friends and share any joys and concerns they would like to bring to the group. The kids then take turns reading and discussing Bible stories and complete activities from the Spotlight magazine that tie in to the weekly lesson.

Our 5th and 6th graders in the Connect class recently learned about the Hebrew people rediscovering their faith while in exile. The kids are starting to prepare for Children’s Sunday in June by choosing their favorite stories. They are also looking forward to the annual “Ask the Pastors” day when Tami and Chip answer the students’ tough questions they’ve been saving up all year.

The FaithX class of 7th through 9th graders recently completed their journey through the Hebrew Scriptures after spending several weeks with the books of the Prophets. They’ve jumped into the stories of the New Testament (fun fact: did you know the word “testament” is another word for covenant?). In April and May, they will be learning about the miracles and parables of Jesus as well as the formation of the earliest Christian communities through the work of Jesus’ apostles.

If you’re interested in joining the Sunday School team of teachers, we’re already looking ahead to next year and would love to answer any questions you might have before making the commitment. We remain grateful for all of our teachers and families who make Sunday School a priority each week and ensure that our kids stay connected to our church and to each other.

~Bridget Bentley & Kristy Berlin, Sunday School Co-Superintendents
