Faith4Life in the New Year

GIFT emails will resume the week of January 25th. The Sunday morning Zoom sessions at 9 am will be a discussion of the week’s email messages.

On Thursday January 21 at 10:00 AM we’ll begin a 12-week study of On Our Waya book edited by Dorothy C. Bass and Susan R. Biehl. We’ll be watching a series of videos based on the book by the same name. Purchasing the book is not necessary to join the discussions. The book focuses on several practices. From the description at The Work of the People:

What makes a good life? Wrestling with questions about how to live your life is part of being human. These films were created in accompaniment to the book project On Our Way: Christian Practices for Living a Whole Life. The authors are passionate about practicing their faith in the real world, for the good of all, and in response to God’s presence. They invite you to join them in exploring a way of life that is rooted in Christian wisdom while also moving toward the future, a way of life overflowing with God’s justice, mercy, and love.

Tuesday morning’s discussion group at 10 am will finish Who Stole My Bible? by Reverend Jennifer Butler.

Contact Connie Knapp or Tami Seidel if you wish to be put on the email list for Zoom information.
