Online, Ongoing, Faith4Life Discussions: Let’s Dance!

When Bowie sang that song in 1983 I don’t think he was thinking of the Trinity, but our Thursday morning 10am Faith4Life class has been participating in a 15 week discussion of Richard Rohr’s book The Divine Dance. We are watching one of a series of short videos each week and discussing them. Each session stands by itself, so please join us when you can. In this unusual summer we’ll be meeting every Thursday all summer.

Tuesday morning at 10am a group is reading and discussing Amy-Jill Levine’s Short Stories by Jesus, a book examining Jesus’s parables. Dr. Levine is a Jewish New Testament scholar at Vanderbilt Divinity School. She delights in helping us see how first century Jews would have heard Jesus’s teachings.

You are welcome to join these groups at any time, and you can drop into the Thursday morning session as a “one time” visitor—the discussion is focused on the film clip watched during the session (unlike the Tuesday group where the discussion is focused on the book). Contact Tami to be included on the distribution list for the Zoom links.

The Women’s Circle doesn’t usually meet during the summer BUT we’ll be meeting on August 5th.

Your Faith4Life planning team is continuing programming through the summer. Tim Lupfer will be giving a talk entitled “Epidemics and Christianity-A Long History” on July 19 at 11:15am and 7pm.

We are working on putting together a series for “Spiritual Resilience in Challenging Times” looking at spiritual practices. This is in the “thinking” stage. Let us know what practices you’d like to learn and/or talk about. So far we’re thinking about these practices: meditation, centering prayer, the examen, breath prayers.

What would you like to read? Discuss? Learn? Do you have a topic that you’d like to present, one with ties to your own faith journey?

What’s a time that would work for you this summer? Sunday right after church? Sunday evenings? Any particular day during the week?

Email Connie  or Tami with your suggestions.

~Connie Knapp, for the Faith4Life Planning Team
