Adult Ed for May: Short Stories by Jesus

Did you know that Jesus wrote short stories?

Okay, maybe not exactly short stories, but the parables are certainly like short stories. Come join us on Sunday morning as we explore Short Stories by Jesus, by Amy-Jill Levine. Each week we’ll watch a ten to fifteen minute video of Amy-Jill Levine talking about a specific parable or set of parables. We’ll discuss the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son; the Good Samaritan; the pearl of great price; the mustard seed; the laborers in the vineyard, and the widow and the judge. Levine tells us that parables are like poetry-they are challenging, and they need to be interpreted. Join us as we listen to the parables as those first Jewish Christians heard them. The sessions will be led by members of the Adult Ed Planning Team.

On Thursday mornings at 10 we’re exploring the Apostles’ Creed using Adam Hamilton’s book, Creed: What Christians Believe and Why. This is a repeat of our Sunday morning Lenten series, and a great chance to either study with a different group of people or study it for the first time. This series is being led by Connie Knapp.

Tuesday morning at 10 Tami Seidel is leading a discussion of Race in a Post-Obama America: The Church Responds edited by David Maxwell. This is a great follow up to Waking Up White, by Debby Irving, that many of us read.

Some other offerings in the works:

  • The Mission Commission, the Gun Violence Prevention Team and Adult Ed will be sponsoring a book study—stay tuned!
  • We’ll be starting a Disciple I group in the fall. Let any member of the adult ed planning team know if you’re interested in joining such a group—the team is Shawn Cribari, Lynn Edling, Connie Knapp, Eric Kreuter, Jean Post-Winget, Tami Seidel and Lynda Spring.
  • Any interest in a study of The Book of Confessions, Part I of The Constitution of PC(USA)? The Apostles’ Creed is part of that book of Presbyterian confessions, or beliefs. And a study of The Book of Confessions helps us really understand what “once reformed, always reforming” really means. Let Connie know if this is a topic that interests you (it sure interests her!)

Do you have an idea for a study? Is there something you always wanted to know more about but didn’t know who to ask? We’d love to hear from you!

Happy reading!

Connie Knapp for the Adult Ed Planning Team
