Mission — April 2011

Spotlight on… The Caring Circle


The Caring Circle, one of the many groups that use our facilities during the week, serve the needs of many people dealing with loss. Although most of the members of our congregation recognize that the Caring Circle helps children deal with the loss of a loved one, most of us are unaware that the Caring Circle also has programs for griev-ing adults. These include:

Spousal Loss, Child Loss, Adult Loss of a parent, Prenatal Loss

The children‘s groups are divided into age groups:

Littles, 3-5 year olds; Pre-Middlers, 6-8 year olds; Middlers, 9-12 year olds; Teens

If you have any questions regarding the Caring Circle or if you feel their services could benefit either yourself or someone you know, please contact Mariane Walsh at (914) 666-4228 or mwalsh@vnahv.org.
