Deacons — April 2011

Food Pantry

As a “renewed” Deacon, it had been a few years since I had participated in the Food Pantry activities. I was absolutely amazed to see the mountains of fresh fruit and vegetables lining the walls on Friday evening, waiting to be counted and bagged in the morning. Those same corridors were filled with politely-waiting double lines of clients on Saturday, and the lines did not wane until the doors closed at 11. As we were closing the books, a few late-comers begged to be let in, and were served, with a gentle reminder of the closing time. The February 26th and March 12th pantries each distributed about 206 bags of food to grateful families, all of whom were warmly greeted by the Deacons and the troop of Brownies were helping on Saturday. The Food Pantry is one of the faces of our church in our community and we should all be proud of the way this ministry reaches out to those in need.
On May 7th, the Postal Food Drive in Yorktown will deliver all of their collection to our church at about 3:00 in the afternoon. We can use the help of any and all who can donate some time to sort, date, catalogue, carry and stack cans and cans and cans of food. While it‘s not a dance, it still can be fun and certainly builds community. Hope to see you there!

Homebound Ministry

The Homebound Ministry again thanks a number of other Deacons (Terri Froehlich, Sue Nelson, Fran Schiel, Barbara Humphrey) as well as others in the congregation for visits to the homebound and those at various facilities. Often we find that not only do the visitor and the person being visited get much out of our visits but the caregivers really enjoy the visits. This month eight Sunday Service flower arrangements were delivered along with visits. An additional six visits were made and several telephone calls were made to check up on those in the congregation in the hospital and rehab facilities. Please keep the Office or Deacons informed of persons desiring or needing a visit.
We send prayers out to those in our community who have lost a loved one, suffered an illness or just need solace, as well as to the entire population of Japan who have lost so much so suddenly.
Angelyn Forbes-Freeze
