Late Winter Adult Education


Love Is…

Did you notice that Valentine’s Day fell on Ash Wednesday? This got the Adult Ed planning team thinking about love.

And so our theme for Lent is “Love is…”

Love is what? Love is patient and kind, love is forgiving, love is generous, love is healing, love is fearless, love is sacrifice, love is life!

These themes are also the themes for worship, so on Sunday mornings we’ll dive right into the scriptures. We’ll begin on the first Sunday in Lent with 1 Corinthians 13. You don’t need to be a Biblical scholar to contribute (none of us are, really!). Many of us have found that studying scripture in community is the best way to learn—just ask anyone who is in a Disciple study group!

Join us for some laughter and learning on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in the library. We’ll be there every Sunday except Easter Sunday.

The following sessions are on-going:

  • The Women’s Circle continues to meet on the first Wednesday morning of each month, from 10:30 until noon. The group is led by Tami and is following the Horizons curriculum, Cloud of Witnesses: The Community of Christ in Hebrews. All women are welcome to attend one or more of these meetings. You don’t have to attend every session to get a lot out of the study!
  • The men’s breakfast will be held on Saturday March 3 in Fellowship Hall at 7:30 AM.
  • Our Thursday morning 10 – 11:30 AM. Join us at any time -you don’t have to attend every session.
  • We are currently running two sessions of Disciple II Bible study classes, one on Tuesday morning and one on Wednesday evening. Please let Tami, Chip or Connie know if you are interested in the first Disciple course, Disciple I. We are hoping to schedule a class soon, based on interest.

See you in class!

Connie Knapp, for the Adult Ed Planning Team

