Adult Education “The Reformations and Faithful Resistance”

How are those two topics related? They are topics we are exploring in Adult Ed this fall.

Our Sunday morning study continues until Sunday, November 5. We are looking at the reformation as we approach the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing his theses on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. We meet every Sunday at 9:30 AM in the library/lounge. Come and bring a friend!

The same study is also running on Sunday evenings at 6 PM.

We’re using Donald McKim’s book The Protestant Reformations. We are supplementing this book with videos from the Khan Academy. Feel free to join us even if you aren’t reading the book.

Sunday, November 12, is Peace and Justice Sunday. Rick Ufford-Chase will be joining. Rick and his wife Kitty Ufford-Chase are the co-directors of the Stony Point Center. Rick is the author of Faithful Resistance: Gospel Visions for the Church in a Time of Empire. Rick will be preaching at both services and will join us during the adult ed hour.

Sunday, November 19 we’ll explore the Christian virtue of gratitude, just in time
for Thanksgiving.

The Women’s Circle continues to meet on the first Wednesday morning of each month, from 10:30 until noon. The group is led by Tami and is following the Horizons curriculum, Cloud of Witnesses: The Community of Christ in Hebrews. All women are welcome to attend one or more of these meetings. You don’t have to attend every session to get a lot out of the study!

The men’s breakfast will be held on Saturday November 4 in Fellowship Hall, prior to the Fall cleanup day.

Our Thursday morning 10 – 11:30 AM class is watching How Jesus Became God, a series from the Great Courses. The professor is Bart D. Erhman of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  Join us at any time-you don’t have to attend every session.

We are running two sessions of Disciple II Bible study classes, one on Tuesday morning and one on Wednesday evening. Please let Tami, Chip or Connie know if you are interested in the first Disciple course, Disciple I.

Please note that there will be no classes on Sunday, November 23, Sunday,
December 24 (Christmas Eve day) or Sunday, December 31 (New Year’s Eve

And  now you know how the Reformations and Faithful Resistance are connected!

See you in class,

Connie Knapp, for the Adult Ed planning team

