Come and See the Spirit Blooming!

Tami_message_blog_297x140Everywhere you look, new life is bursting forth all around us. Here in church, we are on the cusp between the seasons of Easter and Pentecost. Both Easter and Pentecost are seasons of new life as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and the birth of the church through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is also a time to celebrate the growth and hard work of so many in our church family and church programs.

In the natural world around us, the usual pattern of seasons goes something like this: In spring you plant the seeds. Over the summer, flowers bloom and plants grow. Then you harvest the fruit in the late summer and fall. Here at church, however, our seasonal rotation is almost the opposite. Our church program year is just getting started in the fall as Church School, youth groups, Bible studies and adult education kick into high gear. From fall through winter into spring, we plant and nurture seeds of faith in children, youth and adults.

We worship and serve together through our ministry and mission. Then as summer approaches, we celebrate our journeys of faith and service and the growth and fruit they have produced. Looking back over the past month and looking ahead through May in to June, we have much to celebrate! Faith & Science Sunday on April 10 and the corresponding Adult Ed study was the fruit of many of your questions and honest searching for a way to integrate these two important aspects of our lives.

  • On April 24, we welcomed 6 New Members who have committed to continuing their journeys of faith in community with us.
  • On May 1, we celebrate the Confirmation journey and commitment of 10 of our young people who have spent the last 8 months reflecting on their own personal faith, learning about other faith traditions and what is means to be a Presbyterian Christian.
  • On May 8 we celebrate the Women of the Church and remember our foremothers in faith whose love and guidance have helped us grow into the people and disciples God calls us to be.
  • On May 15, we celebrate Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit blew through that ragtag band of Jesus’ disciples and birthed the church, the Body of Christ in the world. Don’t forget to wear something RED to church.
  • Toward the end of May, we will recognize and celebrate those in our Covenant and Disciple Bible Studies who for the past 8 months have been reading scripture, praying and meeting together, and growing in faith and discipleship.
  • In May and June, we continue to study and grow as our Women’s Circle Bible study, our Sunday morning adult study and our Thursday morning interfaith group dive into Living Waters as the key to life and faith, Civility and American Politics, and Christianity & World Religions.
  • On June 5, we celebrate Legacy Sunday and the many ways we can continue to love and serve God through this faith community.
  • Our children and youth will lead us in Children’s Day worship as we move to one service at 9:30 am on June 12 and celebrate the faith and commitment of all those involved in our children’s and youth programs.
  • Finally on June 19, we will celebrate our Graduates and honor the Men of the Church and the forefathers of our faith.
  • As you can see, new life continues to burst forth all around us! The Spirit is blooming in our midst! We have so much to celebrate! Most of all, we remember Paul’s words to the Corinthians, “One plants, another waters, but it is God who gives the growth.” In the coming weeks, let us join together in praise and thanksgiving to the Source of all life, all growth and learning, all faith and service, as we continue to blossom and produce good fruit in a hungry world.

~See you in church, Tami
