Planned Giving: Our Church Looks Ahead

growJust as you have, no doubt, been hearing about the concept of Planned Giving from your colleges or universities, you probably know that our church is also committed to establishing a long-term endowment, supported by those who choose to make a long-term gift, or Planned Giving, to the church. Our Session has approved the setting up of an endowment fund to accrue Planned Gifts over time. There are many ways to bestow a long-term gift to our church: through a will, an insurance policy, a charitable annuity, to name just a few. Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting the importance of Planned Giving for our church’s future, through testimonials, inserts, and new additions to our church’s website.

Although the topic of preparing one’s own will is never anyone’s favorite subject, it is one of life’s important tasks, and so this appeal can also serve as a general reminder about how important this planning is. As you prepare your will, please consider the role that the church has played in your life. Although this type of planning should involve legal counsel completely independent of FPCY, the Planned Giving Committee of the Stewardship Commission is ready to provide general guidance.

The spirit of this effort continues to be: this is a very long-term endeavor, and we approach it with the conviction that all the gifts we enjoy are a trust from God, to be used in service for the benefit of all people, in grateful acknowledgement of Christ’s redeeming love.

For any questions about Planned Giving, please contact any member of the Planned Giving Committee: Tim Lupfer, Cathy Talbot, Frank Hodgkinson, Carol Thorne Gaetani, Jack Shaughnessy, and Emily Monk. Thank you.

