Church School Chalkboard – March, 2014

BLOG cansIf you can believe it, despite the cold and snowy weather, we are beginning to prepare for Holy Week! After this winter I think everyone is looking forward to the hope and new beginnings that the Easter season brings. Learning about Mary Magdalene will lead us through the Lenten season. Please be sure to read your child’s handout with them as this unit discusses the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. The memory verse: “But he said to them, ‘Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here.’” ~Mark 16:6.

The Deacon’s have asked the Sunday School to help the food pantry during Lent by donating an item per week. The following is a list of items by week that they are looking for.

3/9 – Peanut Butter

3/16 – Canned Soup

3/23 – Canned Vegetables

3/30 – Canned Tuna

4/6 – Cereal

4/13 – Canned Fruit

Any donation you can provide is appreciated!

As always thank you for your continued support in the Living Waters Project. A check for $500.00 was sent in January.

Jocelyn Fontana and Jen Dixon, Church School Superintendents

